Wines of Alentejo launch campaign focused on sustainable production: "Since 2015 the working to stay the same”

Producers adhering to the Wines of Alentejo Sustainability Program, a pioneering initiative in the country, already represent 58% of the region's vineyard area. The initiative aims to encourage consumers to reward those who care about producing wine, respecting natural resources and preserving the present and future of the region.

“Since 2015 working to keep everything the same”: this is the motto of the campaign that the Alentejo Regional Winegrowing Commission (CVRA) launched this Thursday, March 2nd, and which aims to awaken consumers to the urgency of changing paradigm and for the adoption of sustainable behaviours, while at the same time making known the application, in the region, of the Wines of Alentejo Sustainability Program (WASP), a pioneering initiative in the country and unique with regard to certification of sustainable production.

Maintaining the region as we know it is the objective of the WASP that emerged in 2015 and already has 632 members, who already represent 58% of the vineyard area of ​​Alentejo. In addition to the notorious environmental benefits that come with implementing a viticulture that respects natural resources, biodiversity and the rhythm of nature, the adoption of WASP also results in significant economic advantages for producers and, consequently, for the economy of the whole the region.

“We want consumers to feel that, by opting for a sustainable Alentejo wine, they are rewarding producers who are concerned with producing wine, respecting natural resources and contributing to improving the present and future of the region: more environmental resources and and, consequently, better social conditions”, emphasizes Francisco Mateus, president of the CVRA.
The campaign, which will be online on the main national digital platforms – from social networks to the press – has the signature of the Manhattan Project agency and aims to reach different generations that view sustainability with different degrees of importance, raising awareness of the end consumer for the consumption of wines produced in a sustainable way, a reality that is increasingly present in Alentejo wines.

Vinhos do Alentejo 2024