84% of Portuguese people buy and consume wine. Alentejo region leads

In Portugal, 84.4% of the population buys and consumes wine, with red wine being preferred by 45%. Next are the white (32.2%) and rosé (22.8%) varieties, according to the most recent data from MultiDados' “inMARKET2020” study. As for the favorite region, Alentejo takes the cup (32.2%).

Most Portuguese spend, on average, two to five euros on the purchase of a 75cl bottle, the same analysis also indicates. The taste / flavor is the factor that most weighs in the choice of the reference that goes to the shopping cart (24.3%), followed by the quality / price ratio (23%) and the region of origin (13.2% ).

The MultiDados study also reveals that 16.1% of the Portuguese have already participated in a wine tourism experience, 41.7% did a wine tasting and 80.6% are in the habit of offering wine.

The study was carried out online and is based on users registered on the MultiDados platform, over 18 years old, of both genders, residing in Mainland Portugal and the Islands.

Vinhos do Alentejo 2025