Alentejo heads to the world's largest wine fair and takes sustainability as its flag

Alentejo producers are present with the Alentejo Friends stand, which alludes to the region's insects, essential for reducing the use of pesticides in the vineyards and controlling pests.

The Alentejo Regional Winery Commission (CVRA) will participate in Prowein 2022, the world's largest wine fair that takes place between May 15th and 17th in Düsseldorf, Germany. About 30 producers from the region will present more than 300 wine references, in a stand that intends to take the flag of sustainability across borders.

The Wines of Alentejo stand, which has more than 150 square meters, will honor the friends of wine production, birds and auxiliary insects that are essential to guarantee the sustainability of the region. Under the theme “Alentejo Friends”, the space dedicated to one of the largest wine regions in Portugal, with more than 23 thousand hectares of vineyards, recalls the Alentejo Wine Sustainability Program, which, in order to reduce the use of pesticides and chemical substances in vines, suggests their replacement by birds and insects that are true allies in pest control.

“Prowein is the biggest meeting point between those who sell and buy in the world wine market and the objective of our participation is to seduce international buyers and capitalize on the growing interest of international professionals in the sector for Alentejo wines.

This proves to be the ideal stage for the promotion and affirmation of Alentejo wines in an international scenario, without forgetting one of our differentiating factors: respect for nature, for people, for the economy.”, emphasizes Francisco Mateus, president of CVRA.

In 2021, Alentejo Wines reached record values ​​in exports, with sales growing 17.5% in value and 11.6% in volume. Germany is in the TOP 10 of export markets, having registered a growth of 41% in value and 24% in liters during the last year. It should be remembered that Prowein is an essential international fair for the wine sector and that it has been suspended for the last two years following the global pandemic crisis.
Vinhos do Alentejo 2025