"The History of Vine and Wine in Alentejo" - book presentation at the Alentejo Wine Route

On October 24th, at 5:30 p.m., at the headquarters of the Alentejo Wine Route in Évora, the book "The History of Wine and Wine in the Alentejo - Legacy of a family to be produced since 1667" will be presented. A book that interconnects the history of Alentejo wine with that of the Serrano Mira family and results from the work of the researcher and historian José Calado and the historical survey carried out with the help of Luís Serrano Mira who, with Brother Carlos, owns the Herdade das Servas.

There are 350 years and 13 generations that are portrayed in a book that will soon be available, with a cover price of 45 euros.

The story includes the family's incursion into the culture of the vine and wine, which began at least in 1667, a year identified in two carvings that, until now, have been preserved religiously. Both were the starting point for this work, as well as the in-depth research of several written supports that allowed to find relevant data for the author.
Vinhos do Alentejo 2025