WASP- WORKSHOP Grassing, Biodiversity and Nefertiti
The Alentejo Regional Winegrowing Commission organized another workshop / study visit of the WASP, this time in partnership with the Nefertiti project, on April 5, at 10:00 am, at the Cartuxa facilities in Monte dos Pinheiros, dedicated to the theme of biodiversity, use water efficiency and vineyard improvements.
The session lasted 1 hour with speakers, followed by a visit to a demo-farm included in the Nefertiti (Cartuxa) project for observation and discussion of its benefits. At the session, the objective was to talk about the benefits of the land use, how biodiversity promotion is beneficial to the vineyard and the quality of the grapes, the PSVA members talking about their best practices in the vineyard and their experience in promoting biodiversity and as well as interventions from the University of Évora, ADVID and ISA.

Below the session program.
Hours: 10:00 am - 11:00 am with coffee break followed by field visit until 12:30


Receipt of participants and Introduction to the topic- JLB (CVRA) (0:05)
- Enlivements - Carlos Lopes (ISA) (0:10)
- Biodiversity - Cristina Carlos (ADVID) (0:10)
- Bats in the vineyard - J. Tiago Marques (EU) (0:10)
- Case of PSVA Study - João Raposeira (Herdade de Coelheiros) (0:10)
- Case of PSVA Study - José Teixeira (Soc. Agr.da Cardeira e Foupana) (0:10)
- Case of PSVA Study - Helena Manuel (Herdade dos Lagos) (0:10)
- Coffee break (0:10)
- Study visit / Practical case member of PSVA: Cartuxa (Project Nefertiti) - 01:30
- Closing
As in all WASP activities participation was free upon prior registration. Likewise, the CVRA provided free transportation to and from the participants.
Vinhos do Alentejo 2025