Wines of Alentejo celebrate the harvest with Golden Hour at Alqueva
The meeting with the sunset is scheduled for October 5, from 17:30. The boarding is at Amieira Marina, in Alqueva, the best bench to toast the vintage. A group of Alentejo producers, a boat, music, sushi and wines selected by winemakers is the motto to celebrate the Alentejo vintage.

A moment of relaxation, with the organization of the Pearl of Wines and recommendation of the Alentejo Wine Route, to boost wine tourism within the wine region. Alqueva Sunset returns to the same place it was held a year ago and the Alentejo wines will again be the main protagonists. For the perfect match, gastronomy will also play an important role this afternoon with sushi and sashimi making foodparing with Alentejo wines in tasting.

Francisco Mateus, president of the Alentejo Region Wine Commission, says that “a visit to the Alentejo is always a good occasion to get to know the region better and to taste our wines. This event, with tourists, producers and winemakers on board in the waters of the Alqueva, is a magnificent opportunity to take a walk on Europe's largest artificial lake and be with some of the protagonists that make the Alentejo bigger. ”

For reservations and information contact:
Vinhos do Alentejo 2025