Wines of Alentejo export price reaches maximum value of the last 5 years

Sales abroad follow a positive trend and grow 14% in value and 9% in volume.

The first ten months of the year ended with positive results in the export of Alentejo wine. Sales to international markets were marked by a sharp rise in the average price per liter, which reached €3.46 - an increase that has reached the maximum value of the last five years and represents an increase of 4.4% compared to the same period of the previous year. 2020. This recognition was accompanied by an increase of 14% in value and 9% in volume, having exported a total of 16.3 million liters of wine.

“The results recorded, both in terms of the average price per liter and the increase in exports of wines from the region, give us strong signs that the year 2021 could be closed on a golden note. Naturally, we feel the difficulties arising from the pandemic situation, namely with regard to the national market, labor shortages or delays in the transport of goods.

However, this balance gives us a new lease of life and encourages producers to continue to assert the Alentejo Wine abroad”, says Francisco Mateus, president of the Alentejo Regional Wine Commission (CVRA). For CVRA, price can be a decisive factor for growth in strategic markets, as there are more and more consumers who value the fact that the average price is higher to purchase a wine. “Price is a seal of quality and positioning”, clarifies Francisco Mateus.

In the balance now known, Brazil (+6% in value and +1% in liters of wine), Switzerland (+7% in value and +3% in liters of wine) and Poland (+17% in liters of wine) stand out. value and +11% in liters of wine) as the main markets to leverage the positive results achieved. Still on the rise, and registering strong growth compared to 2020, were the United Kingdom, with an increase of 88% in value and 69% in volume of imported wine, and the Spanish market, which doubled its purchases, with a increase of over 101% in value and volume.

The Australian market is also highlighted, with a growth of 211% in value and 236% in volume, having thus joined the list of the top 20 export destinations for Alentejo wines. Wines certified with Controlled Denomination of Origin (DOC) had an increase of 5.6% in their average value per liter, while Regional wine grew by 3%.
Vinhos do Alentejo 2025