Horta da Palha Touriga Nacional

Soil Type: Clay soil

Grape Varieties: Touriga Nacional

Pruning System: Cordon trained.

Average Yield: 15 hl/ha

Vinification Process: Destemming, crushing, alcoholic fermentation in cement vats, pressing, malolactic  fermentation. Aged for 6 months in French oak barrels.


Analytical Control

Alcohol:  14 % 
Dry Extract: 26.1 gr/l
Total Acidity: 5.00gr/l
pH: 3,56


Tasting Notes

Color / Condition: Clear, dark purple colour.
Aroma: Complex, showing cocoa notes, toasted coffee grains and floral aromas. 
Palate: Rich, full, equilibrated with round and soft tannins.

Temperature for Serving: 16-17ºC

Food Dishes: Best with red meat or soft cheeses.



Gold medal in China Wine Awards 2012
Merit medal in National Wine Contest 2012
(Concurso Nacional de Vinhos Engarrafados 2012)

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Vinhos do Alentejo 2024